Comfort Zone, the popular wellness pet brand that offers drug-free pheromone calming solutions for cats has been launched in the UK and Europe by Central Interpet.
Comfort Zone’s products are designed to help alleviate many of the stress-induced behavioral problems that are reported by cat owners such as urine marking and excessive scratching. The calming products contain a drug-free formula that mimics a cat’s natural pheromones so when used they help to facilitate a relaxed state. Vets recommend the use of pheromones as a general calming aid, to help adjust to the addition of new pets, and when moving house.
The first calming product to be made available in the UK is a drug-free Pheromone Collar. Available in single or double packs, it is fully adjustable to fit all sizes of cats and features a ‘break-away’ fastening making it safe to be worn whilst in the house or outside.
The new Comfort Zone collars are supplied in shelf-ready packs and are available to order now via Interpet’s trade website

For further press information, samples, or expert comment please contact Alex Randell at Big Bark
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